Russia President, Vladimir Putin Says: Africa Is A Cemetery For Africans

“Africa will never be independent. Africans believe in Europeans, Americans and Chinese more than themselves–they don’t trust themselves at all.
A white man will commit crime in Africa but no action will be taken because Africa authorities view us as semi-gods, far from the truth. A blackman can be abducted in Europe, get harrassed or even killed but no African authority will question. Africans present themselves as weak people with no hope especially when dealing with Europeans and Americans.
They are their own enemies. They hate each other and that gives their colonial masters power to continue exploiting African resources. ”
“When an African becomes rich, his bank accounts are in Switzerland. He travels to France for Medical treatment.
He invests in Germany. He buys from Dubai. He consumes Chinese. He prays in Rome or Mecca. His children study in Europe. He travels to Canada, USA, Europe for tourism.
If he die, he will be buried in his native country of Africa.
Africa is just a cemetery for Africans. How could a cemetery be developed?” ~Putin Asks!
